The company's Party branch went to Shaoxing to carry out party history learning and education activities


      On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to promote the continuous deepening of party history learning and education, on June 26, the company's party members and activists went to Shaoxing to carry out a two-day party history learning and education activity, receiving red education and inheriting red genes.

      The Tomb of Revolutionary Martyrs in Fushan, Shaoxing, is buried with 60 martyrs who died heroically in the liberation of Zhejiang in May 1949 in the battle of crossing the sea and the fight against bandits. All party members pay their respects to the tombs of the martyrs, pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs, and recall history. At Qiu Jin's former residence, everyone had a detailed understanding of Qiu Jin's growing environment, family members, and participation in the revolution. Her courageous attitude and revolutionary spirit inspired us all present. everyone. Entering the memorial hall of Zhou Enlai's ancestral home, the comrades visited the Fengfan Garden, listened to a party class, watched a documentary, revisited the oath of joining the party in the memorial square, and remembered Premier Zhou Enlai. Zhou Enlai's people-oriented, pragmatic, and honest work style and honest family style deeply educated party members and cadres.

      Secretary Fang Yinjun made a speech at the meeting, "Don't forget the original intention and keep moving forward", inspiring everyone to learn the party history, integrate the spirit of not forgetting the original intention and moving forward into the daily life of the enterprise, and implement it into the specific words and deeds of the employees around him. Bit by bit actions carry forward the role models and role models of Communist Party members, and use their actions to make their own contributions to the continuous development of the company and the progress of the industry.

      History is the best textbook. Through this party history learning and education activity, party members and activists have expressed that they must strengthen their political ideals and beliefs, strengthen party spirit concepts, enhance their sense of purpose, and transform the fine traditions of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries into pursuits. A true and pragmatic work style, practice the original intention and mission of the Communists with practical actions, and devote more enthusiasm to study and work.