2023 (12th) National Sulfonation/Ethoxylation Technology and Market Seminar held in Jiangmen


      On October 17-19, 2023, the "2023 (12th) National Sulfonation/Ethoxylation Technology and Market Seminar" was held in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, sponsored by the China Institute of Daily Chemical Research and specially co organized by Zanyu Technology Group Co., Ltd. More than 150 experts, scholars, and enterprise representatives from the national sulfonation/ethoxylation industry attended and attended the conference. Geng Tao, President of the China Institute of Daily Chemistry, delivered the opening speech of the meeting, and Fang Yinjun, Deputy Director of Zanyu Technology Group, delivered a welcoming speech.

      The conference revolves around the theme of "breaking through bottlenecks and striving to improve", focusing on how to break through traditional technologies and patterns in China's current economic restructuring and industrial transformation and upgrading; How to enhance the greening, intensification, and intelligence of the industry; How to achieve product diversification and enable more new products with independent intellectual property rights to go abroad and enter the world? This paper explores the sustainable innovative development of sulfonation ethoxylation from the perspectives of policy situation, development trends, investment orientation, intelligent transformation, equipment, new technologies, and green circulation. Shi Liwen, Deputy Director of the R&D Center of Zanyu Technology Group, shared and exchanged ideas on "Analysis of the Current Situation and Future Trends of Sulfonation Industry Development" at the meeting.

      On the morning of the 19th, the attending guests collectively came to Guangdong Zanyu Technology Co., Ltd. for a visit and exchange.

(This article is reprinted from the China Surfactant Industry Alliance)