The 36th (2016)



The 36th (2016) China Detergent Products Industry Annual Meeting was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province from November 23 to 25. More than 10 people, including Mr. Fang Yinjun, Chairman and General Manager of the Company, attended the meeting. With the theme of “supply innovation based on demand”, the conference held special seminars around consumer safety and health protection, sustainable development and innovation, new raw material development and application, product development and development trend, technical equipment and development, market and marketing development trend, domestic and foreign policy and law status quo and development, etc., to build a production, education, research Use a “one-stop” communication platform.



In order to commend the enterprises that have made unremitting efforts and contributions to the development of China’s detergent industry for many years, the China Detergent Products Industry Association held an award party in Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center Hotel on November 23. Our company was awarded the title of “Excellent Raw Material Supplier of China Daily Chemical Exhibition 2016”; The “Zanyu Cup” excellent thesis exhibition of China’s Detergent Industry in 2015-2016 was successfully held. Mr. Fang Yinjun gave awards to the winners of excellent papers one by one at the award dinner to commend their outstanding technological innovation for the industry; In order to implement the national strategy of “increasing varieties, improving quality, and creating brands”, carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship, stimulate industry innovation, and stimulate staff enthusiasm, the industry association commended outstanding individuals in 2016. The company’s five Zanyu employees, including Deputy General Manager Zou Huanjin, won the honorary title of “2016 Outstanding Engineer in China’s Detergent Industry, Young and Middle aged Advanced Scientific and Technological Workers, and Job Operation Expert” respectively.



At the same time of the meeting, the 9th (2016) China International Daily Chemical Products Raw Materials and Equipment Packaging Exhibition was also held. The company took this exhibition as an opportunity to show customers the technical application of surfactants in all aspects and the scientific research strength of the company; At the same time, actively conduct market research on products and services to better understand customer needs, so as to better provide customers with high-quality professional products.



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